
Individual Subscribers

Individual subscribers receive 1 license and are not able to purchase more.

Organization Subscribers

Organization subscriptions start with 5 licenses.

Organization licenses are based on a concurrent user licensing model. Each time a member of the Organization launches the Ovation application, they must sign in. While they are signed in, they are reserving a license. When they sign out, that license becomes available again.

For example, a university with 15 licenses could have 15 students using Ovation simultaneously. If a 16th student attempted to launch Ovation and sign in, they would be prevented from doing so until a license became available.

Ovation's flexible concurrent user licensing model means that organizations do not need to worry about how many headsets or computers they install Ovation on, how many "learners" they will have, or what their full-time equivalents (FTE) count is.

Organizations can increase or decrease their license count by contacting

Last updated